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Just the bookkeeping solution i needed

I've been needing to keep up with my personal finances, but i never got around to it until trying fl... Ends Service for US Customers Ends Service for US Customers is ending service for US customers. This affects certain flowlog billing features....


Forum -> About the flowlog Forum -> Forum Rules and Etiquette  Open

Jul. 27, 2018 @ 04:18pm
Forum Rules and Etiquette
flowlogEntity's icon
posts: 23
joined: Jan. 19, 2018

In no particular order and likely to change at any time. Ignorance of the flowlaw is no defense.

1) Please keep threads, posts and comments related to flowlog (or the tasks it's trying to facilitate) in some way. These forums are for flowlog members to receive and provide help with using flowlog and are not built or hosted for general conversation. Also, people who are trying to read docs and forum posts shouldn't have to burn their eyes out wading through pages of noise to find their answers.

2) Please don't start problems with other members by being insulting or in any other way disrespectful. Every person using this forum is a supporting member, so please try to be tactful, patient, and respectful when communicating with each other. Also, help-seekers should not assume people are being rude, sarcastic or disrespectful unless it is glaringly obvious (due to the difficulty distinguishing emotion/intent in text). Otherwise, feel free to report their post if you believe it actually breaks the rules listed here.

3) People come from different backgrounds and have different ideas on what constitutes profanity, blasphemy, etc. Please keep postings professional, and disagreements about decency standards won't be an issue.

4) Please try to create your thread in the most appropriate category possible. Hover over the yellow question mark for a lengthier explanation of a category or subcategory. Repeated carelessness requiring moderator intervention to move threads, etc. may result in punitive actions.

5) Please try your best not to be a Help Vampire. At the very minimum, prior to requesting human intervention, you should have read the flowlog documentation, read the relevant built-in help text, thoroughly searched this forum, and/or watched related screencasts. If someone can easily point to these primary resources to answer your question, then you didn't do your due diligence, and that is disrespectful to other members who are willing to help. has no interest in dissuading people from using the forum, that's what it's for. We are simply trying to describe an "usage protocol" so it can be beneficial to everyone.